Life Happens

I’ve been MIA for a bit…ok, let’s face it…a long while. Sometimes you just have to take a minute to breath, regroup, and refocus. So here I am! Oxygenated, regrouped, and hyper-focused!

Here is a super quick run down of what’s been going on: work, holidays, coffee, work, coffee, gym, coffee, and vacations!

life happens coffee helps

In my extended hiatus, I have been focusing on growing personally, spiritually, and physically. Sometimes life throws things at you that knock you off track and cause a detour, so this time has been a time to readjust and refocus.

In all honesty, the busyness of everyday life has kept me away from blogging for a while. Even though with real estate there is no real routine, I had gotten into a groove. I had every good intention of writing, but allowed myself to find other things to do. Last week I realized how long it had been since I had written. I also realized that this is an outlet for me to express myself through my thoughts, pictures, and knowledge and I MISSED IT! So this week there is nothing elaborate to write about, just a quick update and reintroduction of myself. And to show you some of the things that’s been keeping me busy! Like holidays for instance…

I’ve also had some new headshots taken. Ones that really capture my personality. {If you need a fabulously talented and beautiful photographer, I know the girl just for you!}

{Photos Courtesy of Hannah Capps  Photography}

I celebrated the beginning of my 28th year with a 4-wheeler ride, ribs, a yummy (and beautiful) princess cake, and lots of family time!

And took a FABULOUS trip to California!

Of course time at the gym, a couple of Predators games, friends, more family time, and work were all thrown in there.

As this post in winding down, my hope is that you will find something that you will relate to, something to laugh at, or something to learn.

Love always,


*I want to hear from YOU! Send me questions, comments or topics you would like to know more about!*

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